BabyGirl Born!!

After one crazy labor and delivery I finally had our little girl at 40weeks 2days. She is beyond beyond beautiful and amazing, had come to be induced Thursday night had cervadil in for 12 hours and was having serious pain got stadhol at 3:30am having bad constant contractions 3 minutes apart when checked at 6 am I hadn't progressed still only 70% effaced 1cm dilated pain got worse, checked again about 2 hours later was 5cm dilated they gave me more medication for pain due to the intense contractions they set me up to get an epidural so they could induce me and get things going the contractions and pressure got so much worse while they poked me 15 times trying to place the drip for the epidural they took a break from trying to apply the epidural and checked me only to find out that in less then an hour I went from 5cm to 9cm dilated I had to labor down for about 20 to 30 minutes after an hour of pushing she came and was born at 12:58pm coming in at a whopping 8lbs 3oz. Gosh I love this little girl so much and her daddy does to Leighana Evelyn Hoffman 10/21/2016