14 weeks early

On October 11th I had my 26 week doctors appointment I had started having really bad headaches, swollen feet, and trouble breathing that I was going to talk to my doctor about. When I got there they weighed me 3 times and took my blood pressure 14 times I had gained 15 pounds in 4 weeks and my blood pressure was through the roof so I was sent to Labor and Delivery. Unfortunately I was diagnosed with SERVER preeclampsia and rushed to a level 4 hospital. Where I was sent into an emergency c-section the next day. My baby girl was born October 12th at 3:24pm she came out breathing on her own and crying! She weighed 1 pound 6oz she is doing great breathing on her own still and is now on her full feedings. I am so in love with her and she is also my rainbow baby❤️ her sibling in heaven is definitely looking over her.