She's Here!!

Stephanie • Married. Mommy to Liyah 💗and Zachary 💙. 29 and enjoying life.
My baby girl came into this world at exactly 29 weeks. I was admitted to the hospital at 24 weeks for dilated cervix (1-2). I was placed on strict bed rest. They gave me magnesium and steroids for the baby. Then at 27 weeks 4 days my amniotic fluid started leaking (PPRM). I was given antibiotics and told that it was a day by day case. She can come at anytime. At exactly 29 weeks around 6:30 am my contractions started. At first I thought they were gas pains but they would leave and back and intensify. I called my nurse and I was placed on the monitor and given IV fluids. My doctor was called alongside hubby and grandma to be. I'm glad I got to see my mom before going into the operating room since she prayed for me and told me everything would be alright. My doctor decided on a c section since every contractions I had the baby's heartbeat dipped. I was whisked away at 9am and prepped for birth. My baby girl came at 9:30 am and I cried tears of joy when I heard her cry. She was also breathing on her own. My pregnancy didn't go the way I maybe planned in my head but God carried me and my husband through. Keep us in your prayers. May the good Lord up above continue to watch over her. She's doing great by the way. 
Liyah Grace 
2 lbs 12 ounces of pure gorgeousness!!! 😍😍😍😍