opinions needed 😣

So Thursday night I made my first trip to L&D I was having right sided pains right below my ribs along with contractions every 2-5 mins. They were able to pick up the contractions, checked my cervix I was 1cm dilated and started me on IV fluids to see if I was maybe hedydrated. 2 bags of IV fluids later and I was still contracting, I was rechecked and I was then 2cm dilated. They then decided to stop my contractions, they started me on Terbutaline shots every 15 mins I got a total of 3 shots and they were able to stop my contractions & I was sent home. Let me just say those shots had my heart racing!!!!!!! My pulse was steady at about 130 even when they sent me home. Anyways, fast forward to last night. I started having mild contractions again every 5-10 mins, I took a nap & woke up still with contractions, cramping, head is pounding, barely able to walk because at that point my body just feels weak but the actual contractions are still manageable!!! Went back to sleep at night and just kept waking up having to pee but as soon as I wake up my pains kept coming back (headache, contractions, & cramping, PLUS loose bowls which I never had a issue with & nausea too)! What is it? What should I do???? OH & since I've left the hospital I've been loosing what seems to look like my plug.😩😩😩😩. I called my doctor last night and at first she said go to L&D again but when I told her that my contractions were still far apart she said just wait until they get closer together and call her back. She also told me that if I keep contracting that they will no longer stop my contractions they will let me labor, but if I have 0 progression that they will send me home contracting.