Depo help!

So I used to be on the depo shot and I had a regular doctor who'd I get it from and I was getting it that way for about a year, I didn't have ANY problems with it at all, I loved it so much
I lost my insurance and had to switch to going to planned parenthood for the shot and I immediately started gaining lots weight, about five to ten pounds a month, and it was extremely hard to lose it
There wasn't any change in my diet or anything else except the place I was getting my shot
One of the nurses even tried to help me figure out what was happening and noticed I only started gaining weight after I started getting the shots there
Does anyone know if there are different brands and/or formulas for the shot?
And I have tried other types of bc and didn't like any as much as I did the shot and I would really love to get back on it, any advice or info would help !