Do you hate it when people tell you that you look younger than what you are.

I am 22. I don't wear makeup and weigh 120 so im a bit skinny. And ppl tell me all the time that i look like a kid. Ive gotten 12.....16... 17. Smh. I actually wish i looked my age. It used to never bother me but now it does kind of hurt my feelings because ppl will ask me what grade i am in. And im like uhhh graduating college?. Even my bf kind of hurt my feelings when he told me i look 12 because i am small. I have noticed that girls that are like 17 look way older because they wear makeup and weave. But that isnt my thing. Being natural makes me look like a kid rather than a grown woman. Any tips?? Anybody else get bothered? I know i should take it as a compliment. .. When im 50 i know i will be happy to look younger. But im 22 and i wish i looked like it. 😢