best friends

Emilie • I need a friend
Sooo, I've had this one best friend for around 5 years now. We are a year away from graduating highschool btw. She's in band and has friends in there. Recently she's quit hanging out with me. We were so close and loved each other's company. I've asked her many times if we could make plans together and she's said she'll look into it. Every attempt I've made to hang out with her has failed. We got into a huge fight about a month and a half ago. We said so many hurtful things to each other. The reason of the fight was I kept asking her to make plans with me and she said she's too busy ,which I understood at first. During the fight she said unlike me she has a life and other friends to hang out with. And that hurt me very much. After the fight she told me she forgives me for what I said and that she hoped that I forgave her and honestly, I don't. I really don't. And I told her I don't think we can be friends if she won't even make time to hang out with me. I'm pretty hurt. Any advice to help me get through this? She was my only best friend and now all I have is my boyfriend but I dunno. Please give me advice.