Baby Elle born 10/21/2016 - second time mom/first natural med-free birth

I'll try to make this as detailed as possible because I loved these stories when I got to the end of my pregnancy. I went to work on Friday 10/21 and knew when I went in that I was going to go home early. I was 39 weeks 5 days pregnant and exhausted. I have a desk job, but people were being so needy and irritating lol! Anywho, I left at 1 pm to take a nap. My boss came to me right before I got on the elevator telling me about his plans for me to train my temp on Monday (the day after my due date). Lol! I was like sure man, see ya Monday. I got home and ate lunch with my husband and watched tv. He suggested I bounce on the exercise ball while we talked. I got on the ball @ 2 pm and bounced and rolled my hips on it for about 20 minutes. I stopped and told him that it wasn't doing anything and that I was going to take a nap. I laid down on the couch and about ten minutes later I felt what I thought was a huge kick. I said ouch loudly and my husband asked me from upstairs what was wrong. After I got up I realized it wasn't a kick but a huge pop from my water breaking. As soon as I stood up I felt it coming out. I told him my water broke and he replies "yeah yeah yeah I've heard that before" (we had a false alarm on Monday, lol). I got in the shower and my midwife called me back to tell me to call back when the contractions were 5 minutes apart and lasting at least 1 minute. I had three contractions within 15 minutes but they only lasted about 30 seconds. We live 30 minutes from the birthing center and it was raining so I knew there would be traffic. Called my sis in law to get my son off the bus when school let out. We went ahead and left early just to be in the area when it was time. It took us about 45 min to get there. We went to the mall next to the birth center to wait for the contractions to get longer (about 4 pm). I changed my depends because they were soaked! We walked over to Victoria's Secret and once I got in there the contractions got to 2 min apart but still only lasting about 30 seconds. I called the birth center after my husband paid for my items. The midwife told me to head over so she could check me. I started to get overwhelmed  because they were coming so quickly. I shed a few thug tears (haha) and then finished walking to the car. Got to the birthing center at about 5 pm. The midwife checked me and I was 6 CM and "paper thin". She started to fill up the tub and I powered through the contractions. Once it was filled I got in and the water felt so good. The contractions started to become associated with a ton of pressure. I never felt that before because I had an epidural with my first. I would describe the feeling as intense and overwhelming, but weirdly enough I wouldn't say painful. Once I could feel her head start to come down I would give a push like I was pooping. It was like an uncontrollable feeling. Like the feeling you get when you have to throw up, you don't want to but it feels good to just let go and get it out. Once I felt her crowning I had to refocus because I started to slowly get louder because I was freaking myself out. The midwife reminded me to use the energy to push. I closed my mouth and just pushed down when I felt like moaning. Out came her head. I had to flip over and push on my hands and knees because she got a little stuck, but she quickly came out after I flipped. She was born at 6:09 pm and I was able to have my natural water birth. So a little less than 4 hours after my water broke! She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces, 20 inches long. Born two days before her due date. First time moms or moms who would like to try a natural birth for the first time, you can do it!! A lot of it for me was mental and reminding myself not to panic. Also make sure your team knows what to say or not say to help you. And if you choose an epidural there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!