Okay I'm in high school. I've only been at this one for a year in a half I've had on and off feelings for him. But know I've Finally come to the conclusion that I like him. The problem is we have blossomed as friend and I'm afraid he'll push me away if I push it. I told him during the school holidays (2 weeks ago) that I did have on and off feelings for him he just replied with "okay cool" and then we continued talking like nothing even happened. I got my best friend to help me she texted him and said "I'm not 100% sure but I think she might like you, would you. Do you think there is a possibility that you guys could go on a date sometime" he didn't reply. I know ladies this just sounds like petty high school bullshit but I'm sure some of you (if yo have finished school that is) remember how important the smallest things are when your in high school. So pls help me advise would be so much appreciated! Xx 
( and btw I'm posting his anonymously because I have friends on this app and I only want a limited number of people I know to know about this. ) thank you x