40 reasons to GO THE FULL 40.

GO THE FULL 40. I can't believe that this even needs to be a campaign. Pregnancy is 40 weeks for a reason. Unless there is a medical reason you must be induced early, please don't try and make your baby come out before 40 weeks.  Everyone's uncomfortable. Get over it.  This is your first selfless act as a mother and if you can't handle it I'm not sure what other sacrifices you'll be willing to make. 

**** Really not sure how I'm being judgemental I am presenting facts from doctors and research that show 40 weeks is needed inside the womb. It may sound harsh but it's just the truth, you should want your baby to take as long as they need.  All I'm doing is trying to educate people on the fact that pregnancy is not something you can just get out of when you're bored or uncomfortable. And this isn't my idea, these are facts, so who I am isn't relevant. 

If your baby decides to come before 40 weeks, great. If you and your doctor have talked and there is a sound reason you should be induced earlier then great. I'm not talking about these instances. 

No I don't know better than your doctor but I didn't just make up the insane idea that pregnancy is 40 weeks (who knew) nor did I create this campaign but thanks for the credit I guess😂. Very shocked and amused at how defensive everyone got over this post. 
