Sweating This Cold Out

PMS OR WHAT AF NOT DUE TIL 11/2-6. WE'LL SEE LADIES! I want out on a quick run to get me some lemons. When I got home I ate the whole thing raw.They really helped out a little with this cold or whatever this was that just hit me out the blue. My nose stop running clear mucus, stomach feels ten times better. The light cramps ovul+ feel calmed down. Slowed down my coughs. I can breathe a lil better. Headache want away. My nausea and vomiting Stopped that the good part. It like I'm choking, gagging, and throwing up my own saliva like what the hell turn the fans off no air circulation because it making me nauseous. On 1dpo so we will see. I just have these early cold like with bad nausea symptoms. Hope this an early positive sign. Finger Crossed!