Daily diet and workout October 23rd


Workout- 4 sets pull ups to failure, barbell rows 4 sets of 10, superset Straight bar pull downs w/ low row. (LAST 2 sets drop sets)4 sets wide grip row (last two sets drop sets)

Breakfast- 3 piece of homemade pizza

2nd breakfast- bagel w serving of whipped mixed berry cream cheese

Lunch - turkey burger on sandwich skinny with a serving of garlic red potatos

Dinner- serving of 3 cheese ranch birds eye mix with 5 Oz chicken

Snacks- protein shake

*I've been eating way too low of calories and my body has stopped weight loss. It's important to eat enough with breast feeding and hard training! So my calories will be 2000 a day instead of the 1400-1500 I was getting before.