MIL baby shower rant

MIL RANT..I'm so sick of her!

Well, my baby shower was yesterday and it was absolutely amazing! It's so awesome to see how much our baby boy is so loved. The only thing that was really annoying me was my mother in law. I am seriously so pissed off. She was absolutely so rude at our baby shower. When she first walked in my mom gave her a necklace and was like " you can't say the "B-word", and my mother in law looks her straight in the eye in front of all of our guest (even church friends), and goes what word "bitch". Omg! My mom was furious and couldn't believe she did this. She later on did the same thing again when we gave my husbands friend a necklace, and she turns and says "ya the b word, you can't say bitch". My mom then turned to her and goes "you keep saying that, who are you referring me, my daughter, or me. My mother in law was like "oh no, Theo, Theo!" Who is our dog. Next thing, she didn't want to participate in any of the games, and even had the nerve to turn to her sister while we were playing them, and goes," why would they play these stupid games". We then played the string game to measure around my belly, and this woman had the nerve to ask my friend, "do we count her big butt too??" Omg, my mom and me were livid at this point. Like wtf is wrong with you. Yes, I have a big butt, and when I'm not pregnant it looks good, but having a big butt with a big belly makes me insecure sometimes.  At this point. I am so done with her. I pulled my husband aside and told him, your F@;king mother will have nothing to do with me or my son! I'm done with her. Next time she does something I am telling her off. I'm so done with the negative comments. She always talk crap about my family. That we think we r better because we have money, that it's all about my family, that my mom made all the decisions regarding our baby shower. Etc. she talks so much crap, but yet doesn't contribute to anything. She never even asked my mom if she needed help or anything. I feel like she is jealous of my family. Any of you have horrible mother in laws.