Everyone saying it's gonna be... (rant)

I know everyone is just excited for baby but I'm so tired of everyone saying it's gonna be a boy because this this and this or it's gonna be girl because of this. I just never believed in any old wives tales some of them just sound super ridiculous... someone told me I'm having a girl because of my butt that it's perkier and bigger and I'm like I'm sorry but my butt looks the same and they insisted I look at myself in the mirror and I'm just like I take progress pictures my butt looks the same in everyone😒. I just wish they'd say I hope or o want it to be a boy/girl instead of reasoning why I HAVE to be having a boy/girl. It's like you have a 50% chance don't get to excited when you're right. Being pregnant has made me very easily irritated and aggressive😂😂 I need to calm down especially since we're having a gender reveal and I'm gonna hear I told you it was a girl because of your butt ect lol