the push-pull method

I've been seeing this guy and I really like him but one minute he is literally pulling me in and is super intimate with me then the next mintue pushing me away and not talking to me for weeks. But then when he sees me, he needs me. Like, talking to me about his life and shit that's been going on. I love him and I want to be there for him. We're not in a relationship and I know he's fucking with other girls. But we don't have sex! We just see each other from time to time. He spills his guts, then doesn't talk to me. When I call him to talk about my shit he doesn't answer or even text back. But for some reason I feel like I should be there when he needs me. Idk because I want to start seeing other guys that treat me right but I just feel like I belong to him. I feel like I would violate my love for him if I start seeing someone else.