Possibly Prego? 👶

Kat • Eliana Lynn 03/05/2019🌈💖 Alexander James 06/15/2020🌈💙 Amelia Elizabeth 03/24/2022🌈💖
I'm currently 5 days late on my period according to glow. 1 day according to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a>. Glow is usually the more accurate of the two. I last had sex 2 weeks ago. How early can you start showing signs? I'm not sure if I'm just coming down with something or not, but every time I eat I feel like I'm gonna be sick and my boyfriend commented last night on how often I've been peeing the last couple days. We weren't trying for a baby, didn't really want one, but I'm not upset about it. I'm actually kind of excited/ nervous. Opinions? Should I take a test?Â