Worst pain! Tmi hemorrhoids

Okay so I have gone through an unmedicated birth. That's still the worst pain I have been through. But this is getting up there with it. I have a cluster of external hemorrhoids. There are 4 or 5 it's hard to tell. One of them is purple. I am in so much pain I want to vomit. It hurts to sit, lay down, walk, or even just go pee. I had a bm this morning. My god I was shaking like a leaf. I am waiting for my midwife to come back from lunch so I can possibly be squeezed in for an appointment today. I am scared to give birth with these. After my son with the traumatic birth I had with him I had hemorrhoids caused by pushing. I can't imagine them getting worse this time. I have tried the sitz bath with Epsom salt, witch hazel. Ice and warm compress. Nothing is helping.