so surprised about food stamps.

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi
My position was terminated, so I no longer have a job, I'm looking for jobs and applied for food stamps in the meantime because we were never able to save up too much for emergency funds because my jobs and been on and off again that we used all our money in the off times. We have a little savings, but it took my husband 10 months to find a job in the area the last time he was unemployed, so I'm preparing for the worst.
Last time we needed food stamps, my husband and I were both students and only I was working the proper amount of hours to qualify as a student (sidebar- it's dumb af that people that aren't students don't have to work, but as soon as you try to better your career choices/qualifications all of a sudden they think you're made of money). But we only got $80 a month for the two of us to survive off of and my paycheck only covered our apartment, utilities, and internet (necessary for students). I've been so afraid that we'd have to live like that again (we were horribly malnourished living off of $1.40 a day each. Thankfully we had family that would sometimes give us "care packages" with actual meat and veggies in the package)
Because my husband is the only student (and works over the required 20 hours a week) and they must have still given us the balance to end our second 6 month stuff before the review (or maybe we forgot to cancel it) we have $300 left over from last time-which will be so great with stocking up our pantry with healthy essentials... and (wait for it) $240 a month for food!
Like I cannot even imagine how blessed we are right now. I was so afraid of being in that position where we could barely even eat and now we can still have a healthful diet. I don't know if actually being married has a part, or if me not being a student gives us more (seriously why are we starving our students?) I have lupus and last  time I was sick ALL THE TIME because of stress and not having enough good nutrition. I was so scared of being sick and in pain constantly, and now that's no longer a worry.
Hopefully we won't need them for long and I'll find a job soon. But for now, this is absolutely amazing. 🎉🙏🏼