Need help... Beyond stressed

Samantha • Married, 20, army wife
Long but please read.... So my husband is deployed... I was living with my mom while he was gone 1500 miles away from his normal duty station, she kicked me out and since i had no where else to go i packed up and moved back to ft bliss... I have all the paperwork i needed for military housing... Well the on post hotel charged me an additional 75$ for my dog being there that i didnt budget for and housing is charging me a 300$ pet fee i forgot about... So pretty much i have 0 dollars till thursday after i pay for everything... I dont even have money for a hotel tonight (i cant get the keys to my house till tomorrow) so to sum up... Ive drivin 1550 miles in 2 days... Ive had 10 hrs of sleep in the past 50 hours and i have no where to sleep to night... Im currently sitting in my car tired as all hell with no where to go. Any advice would be greatly appreciated... TIA