dr scaring me " not sure if healthy pregnancy"

So today I went into my dr. I'm believed to be 5-6 weeks. Dr has yet to tell me a due date but according to this app I'm 6 weeks. I run on a 24-25 day cycle. My hcg levels have been climbing but not as much as dr would like. I've had 4 draws first one hcg was over 1000 and progesterone was 14. Second draw was 2149 and progesterone was going down 10.6 third draw was 3250 and progesterone went up again to 13.4 my draws where every other day. I will get results from today's in the morning. The dr did an ultrasound and said he sees the yolk sac and it has gotten bigger than it was last week. But that my levels are not going up as much as he would like and he can't tell me it's a healthy pregnancy. He wants me to go back next mon for another ultrasound to see if we see a heartbeat if not he will decide if I should take a pill or dnc. ( I have no idea what pill he is talking about) To me I was appouled at the way he just said it without any emotion or compassion at the fact he just told me he was unsure I have a healthy pregnancy. I have not had any spotting and feel pregnant. I have morning sickness and super tired. My breast are sore. My husband and I decided if we don't see anything that we still want to wait a week or two more and ask for another ultrasound to be completely sure. My gut feeling is to not lose hope and wait that it will be ok. This is not my first baby and I have had a miscarriage before. Has anyone else gone through this? What was the outcome?