I am so proud of my boyfriend.

Okay so the primary purpose is to get this off my chest as I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this. 
My boyfriend of nearly 2 years is 19, lives in a hostel type of place as he was homeless from age 15-16. I'm not going into detail about why he was homeless but it happened and somehow the system failed him and he ended up on the streets. Anyway, he's moved into this hostel place (it's not very nice) but it's better than no where to live. Throughout the relationship money has been a very big problem as he's constantly in between jobs due to being an agency employee therefore sometimes he gets work but sometimes he doesn't. So sometimes he goes 2-3 days without eating. I live about an hour away from him therefore it's not possible to see him all the time but i see him Wednesday's and Friday night all the way through to Sunday. On the days I don't see him are the worst, it sucks to know that the person you're madly in love with is starving with no family no friends and no one to help him. I don't work as I'm a student so I struggle to get the money together for both of us (of course if I had the money I'd see him every single day and get him as much food as he would ever want). I love my boyfriend more than anything but this is so hard for us and I'm truly so proud of him to have to deal with this at such a young age with no mum or dad. Life sucks and the system sucks and I just want this vicious circle to end and for us to move on with our lives together. 
I'm proud of you Connor and I will stick by you forever.