Itchy ankle

Rachel • This is the result of having sex.

I tried posting this in a different forum and only got one response.

I've had this happen multiple times from about 23 weeks along. My right leg from calf down to mid foot is extremely itchy. I usually HAVE to scratch it because it is unbearable. Then it begins to swell, major heat, and continues to be itchy for at least 30 minutes. Then the heat goes away, the swelling takes an hour or more to disappear and the itchy stops.

I honestly thought it was an allergic reaction, but I have changed my soaps and that is not it.

I'm really just curious if anyone else has experienced something like this. I have only had it during my pregnancy, never before in my life.

I called my doctor and they want me to come in tomorrow vs friday. So now I'm thinking it is more serious than just an allergy.