What to do

I am exclusively pumping and recently have run into the issue of keeping baby occupied while I pump! My LO is 6 months old now, she sits up freely, rolls over and is starting to scoot real good. She's only been taking 2-3 naps a day for the last week or so and each nap is only 10-20 mins long. When she's not napping she only likes being out of my arms for about 5-10 mins at a time. This poses an issue with my pumping. I pump 3 times a day for 25 mins each session. I always put her on the bed with me while I pump and try to get her to play with toys while I pump. Well the last few days she's tried pulling all my pump parts off me or out of the pump and when I hide it all under a pillow she gets mad and starts crying and rolling around. Idk what to do for her not to get upset while I'm pumping. Has anyone encountered any issues like this? Any advice? I'm stressing out!!!