help! really tmi! any ladies know what this is?

Hi, okay this will sound weird. But I'm going to explain to the best of my abilities.
I have chronic GI dysfunction which has gotten even worse lately and it's sent me into random unforeseen pain attacks. One I called my PCP and she told me to go to the ER. So I did, and they asked all the questions and decided to do my first Pap smear to rule out STD's and STI's as a contributor apparently.
They ruled out pregnancy early on. As I know me and my only partner were clean and careful. But for their sake of finding the real issue I did it, I really want the pain to stop. 
He said that my cervix looked irratated and had some lesions (trauma marks), also said it looked like an STI. So I rolled my eyes but let them test anyway. Ruling it out I told myself. 
Also ultrasound said my ovaries and uterus look great too. 
Nurse brought me antibiotics and a shot for the STD test that would take too long. In private since my family has absolutely no idea, super religious. To each their own, but even when I've tried to be mature and fill them in on my different beliefs and my life decisions, they reject me and threaten to take their life. So 😒😔😖.
Every test came back clear. No cancerous cells, no stis, or stds, and no other infections they tested for.
There's lots of mucousy discharge and irratation, but no idea what from. It lacks a smell. Which kinda has me stumped too. He said if anything feels wrong or lasts to see a gyno, or if it's urgent to go back there.
I really want this gone. Not sure what I can do to help it though. Or what made the marks. (I am a young cancer survivor, not that it changes much else but I was checked for that and wanted to mention again, this was negative completely).