blighted ovum

So I just found today that I have a blighted ovum. And I am writing about my experience since before I found out exactly what was wrong, I was desperately trying to find answers (googling and in blogs). In other words I wanted to see if anybody else was going through the same as me. This post is long, but I hope it can help someone going through something similar. You r not alone. 
I'm 28 y/o, been married for 4 yrs and my hubby and I finally decided to have kids. I was Dx with PCOS back in July. Took clomid and it worked like a charm on the first try. So there we were, excited about being pregnant. I never had nausea or vomit; just sore breasts and became extremely tired. I found out 2 weeks into it. My OBGYN said that she wouldn't see me until I was 6 weeks pregnant, so she could do all the testing and ultrasound. I patiently waited. After my third week I started to have intermittent cramping; very mild. My OGYN said that on 1st trimester, that could be normal. I never spotted or had bleeding, so I just assumed it was normal. The weekend before my doctor's app, I had pink discharge (TMI, I know), cramping was still there. Worried, I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound and Quan done. My HCG was 2641, normal for an almost 6 week pregnancy. Ultrasound showed a little sac but nothing in yet. OBGYN said that it might be too early, so she would continue to measure my quan. 48hrs later I had another Quan; it was 4100. An increase, but not the doubling you normally see after 48 hrs. (DISCLAIMER: normally HCG quan levels double in 48 hrs in a healthy pregnancy. After your HCG is above 1800 it can take up to 96 hrs doubling). So don't be alarmed yet. 48 hrs after the 2nd quan, my HCG was 4820. Again, increasing, but not as expected. Almost a week after my unplanned visit to the doctor, I went for a seconds ultrasound, now at 6weeks 3 days. This showed a bigger sac with nothing inside still. OBGYN diagnosed this as a n abnormal pregnancy, Blighted Ovum. Devastating news really. Our options were to wait it out and miscarry naturally, take cytotec vaginally (a pill that makes your uterus cramp, causing you to miscarry), third option was a D&C. I've had one of those in the past, when I was 18 and pregnant (Baby stopped growing at 15 weeks). Hubby and I went with cytotec; very painful, physically and emotionally. She said we have to wait until we have 1 normal menstrual cycle, and then she will give me clomid again. That's were we are at right now. I'll find out tomorrow if it worked properly; if not, D&C it is. I'll keep y'all posted.