Why do I have baby fever so bad?!

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years. And this past year I have had baby Fever like CRAZY! And idk why! I'm on birth control but some months, I'll hope I don't get my period, and when It comes, I get so upset. I've tried thinking of all the negatives and why I don't need a baby, but nothing helps. Honestly, we don't need a kid. He is deploying soon and I don't need to be pregnant while he's gone, nor do I need to be giving birth and him miss it! I feel like I might have baby fever because all my friends are settling and having their children, and I'm not. Maybe that's it? Can anyone relate? And if so, how do you suggest getting rid of the baby fever? Seriously, crying, no sleep, baby barf, nothing like that turns my baby fever away! So what else would you suggest??