needing help!!

So my and my boyfriend are trying for another baby👶🏻 we've been trying for nearly a year now 😔 and nothing's happened we already have a little girl and we conceived her within one month I have been told that I have PCOS 👎🏻😢 which I got told about before I had my daughter so it was an amazing shock when I did a test and it was positive, but this time it's been so much harder 🙁 we've tried everything and we're now having test at the doctors.. I've had 3 lots of blood tests 2 which I've had back and everything was okay and the 3rd I'll get my results on Friday.. my boyfriends also have his semen checked and everything was fine with that too, but my question is what will the doctors do next?? 
And I also would like to here everybody else storys too❤️
Sorry for such a long post 🙈🙊