"Too much blue" in registry - says MotherInLaw

Long rant... My mother-in-law has been watching my baby registry grow, and has been giving suggestions of what to add. We won't find out the sex of the baby for three more weeks, but most of my registry is complete, excluding clothing. 
Most of the stuff I have been asking for are gray, and yes BLUE. If I see a chair, or a towel, or blanket that I like, and my choices are pink or blue, I'm going to choose the blue one, even if I find out I'm having a little girl. I'm just not a big fan of pink. 
Well, my mother-in-law made a stink about it this weekend.  She was saying mean things like "If it's a girl, my granddaughter is going to look so BUTCH" 
This made me pretty darn mad that she felt the need to make such a rude comment. Babies don't know about "boy colors" and "girl colors." 
And I will dress a girl in blue some times. Or sit them in a blue chair. Or feed them on a blue boppy. 
Don't get me wrong, a little girl of mine will wear dresses, and maybe even some pink. But I'm certainly not going to limit myself just because people think blue is a "boy color," whatever that even means.