17wks 6d questions

So like I said above I'm 17wks 6d pregnant and this is my second child. I was wondering when you started to feel movement with your second baby? With my first I didn't start feeling anything until around like 19-20wks but I've heard you feel movement earlier with each pregnancy. I'm also not really showing that much and my belly doesn't really "feel" pregnant. I've still got nausea, heartburn, super sore breasts, fatigue etc but that's the only thing that really reminds me that I'm pregnant. I didn't think I was gonna have so many questions this time around lol 
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I actually found out at my Dr appointment that I have an Anterior Placenta which is why I haven't really been able to feel anything yet. They told me I should start to feel movements between 20-22wks so I hope they're right! It's one of the things I look forward to most


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This is my 5th baby and I have felt all of them close to the 20 week mark with the exception of my 3rd. You are just more likely to feel them a little earlier because you know what movement feels like but it also depends on baby (size, position, etc) as well as uterus position. 


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This is my 4th pregnancy (with twins this time) and I felt them move at 17 weeks. Every pregnancy is different 


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Every pregnancy is different. I'm pregnant for the 4th time and didn't really start feeling baby move till 19 weeks. I weigh 139 which is less than my last pregnancy at this week. I'll be 20 weeks on Friday and the baby kicks a few and far in between. If I want to feel baby I usually drink something cold and lay down and I can maybe feel a few thuds here and there. Don't stress it or you'll just unnecessarily worry over nothing. You're just a few weeks away from feeling baby moving!


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I'm a first time mom and I've been feeling flutters since week 13 and actually small kicks since about week 16. But I'm also super tiny so I can feel it easier I guess?