Nursery struggle HELP!

So i tend to jump the gun on just about everything and i've had a vision in my head about how i wanted the nursery to look. It isn't going as planned at all. Between the construction to finish the bedroom, and finding time to even work on it with our crazy lives i can't seem to put together real life decorations and bedding to match my vision.
 I had previously found a bedding set i absolutely loved, but the price didn't love me so i had to find another. I made my own crib canopy (pictures below😛) and forgot that after picking the colors for that i had to coordinate everything else around it! SO with all that being said i came to conclusions with about how it's going to look after searching FOREVER on the internet for decorations. 
I am looking for opinions and any other words of wisdom on how to piece this all together because it's stressing me out! 
Her crib and dresser are white, haven't decided on a wall color yet, possibly a light grey? I'll add all the pictures of what i've came up with! Your input is much wanted!
This is the crib canopy. Has blue, pink, gold, and white colors.
Wall decor, three of which are tapestries. 
Finally, a rug, the bedding, and a cover for the changing pad. The bedding set comes with wall decor that is all blue& gold.