Baby Charlotte & Birth Story

Charlotte Ember Pacheco was born on October 18th via C-Section, though that definitely hadn't been the plan going in. Lol. On Monday, October 17th, I went to my regular OB visit to discuss options because I was two days overdue with chronic hypertension. Due to having some headaches and a slight bit of protein in my urine, the doctor sent me to L&D for fetal monitoring and blood work. Long story short, when I get there the lead doctor comes in and tells me (pretty snarkily) that I shouldn't have waited so long to come in and that I should've been induced several weeks ago (even though no one ever offered me induction). I was admitted and told I was being induced that day. They started me on Pitocin but my baby's heart rate became erratic. They removed the IV but because I was now contracting every 2-3 minutes, they decided to see if I could progress on my own. 30 hours and 3 more tries at Pitocin later, the only thing the idiot doctors had figured out was that she wasn't tolerating the meds, I wasn't dialating past 5 centimeters, and she was still so high they could barely feel her head. The only option left was C-Section. I went in and she was taken out at 3:35pm on Tuesday. Due to being overweight and where they had to make the incision, to prevent a possible womb infection, they opted to go the route of leaving the wound open, packing it with sponges, taping me up, and hooking me up to a wound vac. I'm now home with a mini vac that I have to cart around everywhere and dressings that have to be changed every 3 days. It's painful and inconvenient but at the end of the day, it was definitely worth it. ❤️