unusual bleeding??

So I had sex for the first time about a week ago, on Wednesday evening. My period had more or less ended 5 days before, but to be honest I have never tracked my period (that cycle was actually the first one I've logged here). Yes we used a condom. I bled a decent amount during the sex - I wasn't really wet, it wasn't great. 😒 I was actually surprised I bled at all, considering I've inserted toys bigger than his dick in the past (albeit years ago, I'm 22). 
I bled a tiny bit at a time for the rest of that night and a day or so after. But yesterday there was a bit of blood on my panties, so I wore a pad today and just now after about 6 hours there was actually quite a lot of blood?? Almost as much as when I'm on my period, and about the same color but thinner than my period blood. I was only sore for maybe 24 hours after the sex, since then it's felt a little different but hasn't hurt at all, it still doesn't, so now I'm just confused.
I honestly don't know what's going on and I /really/ don't want to go to my gyno cause it gives me MAD anxiety. If anyone has seen something like this please let me know, it would really help.
I can already hear you telling me to see my gyno anyway, so I probably will, but I live 2 hours from my normal hospital now, so it won't be very soon. Thanks so much for any helpful replies (: