Announcing to your SO...

Orginally I just took a test one morning, felt a little off that past week. We've been trying since August, but had a couple negatives since then. Decided to take a test and what do you know!? A very faint, but two lines! I was shocked and somehow still not convinced, so I woke my fiancé up and had him look at it. He was smiling from ear to ear! 😊 We kept hush about it and tried another test (two in fact!) and they came back right away as positive, no faint line this time! We are super excited to meet our little nugget in June! So you might be wondering about the picture above?... Well I planned on telling him that way, but that happened instead👆🏼So today, after the onsie I had order finally arrived, I surprised him with what I planned on doing. He absolutely loved it, even shed a tear or two and I think it really became a reality that he's going to be a dad!  💕👶🏻
How did you tell your SO? I'd love to hear!