our story

We had been trying since April 2015 to have a baby. Finally, after 18 months of TTC naturally, our prayers were answered. We were so happy, almost couldn't believe it. I went through two and a half boxes of tests before I really believed it. I was over the moon when the hospital called with the results confirming the many home tests. 
Soon, we were looking at cribs, painting dressers, stocking up on diapers, and even telling family and close friends. 
We started getting anxious to see our little one. And were disappointed when we learned that we wouldn't have our first ultrasound until my 10th week.  But still I stayed healthy. Never missed a day of vitamins. Stayed away from dangerous foods and activities. 
Finally our ultrasound was one week away. We were going to see our precious little gift. My belly was starting to stick out. And we were sure they were going to see twins. 
At 9w4d I came home from work and was bleeding. I was concerned since I hadn't bled once during the pregnancy. Not even any implantation spotting. So we went to the ER. they couldn't see or hear the heartbeat. So I came back, to see if there was any progress. None. Blood work showing my levels dropping. I was losing the baby. Our world was turned upside down. 
I took the cytotec to help speed up the process, hoping it would help my emotional state to have it be over quickly. 
The pain was like nothing I've ever imagined. And two days later the Dr confirmed my uterus had emptied. 
But my husband remains strong for me. Encouraging. We will try again soon. And will someday have our blessing. 
But we will never forget our precious first conceived. 
We were going to name her Kylie or him Kyrie.