We've trying to get pregnant since June. I'm feeling like broken goods.

We've been trying for what feels like forever now, and nothing. I've been good, I track everything, take my vitamins, we have sex on the all the right days and even on the off days, I exercise regularly and so does he, I eat well, I don't consume alcohol and have never been a smoker, and if those aren't enough while I don't get ew cm I get watery cm. I'm so distraught by this, I know it hasn't been that long only about 5 months, but it's still so rough because every single damn cycle I get hopeful and then AF comes and I'm destroyed I feel like damaged goods just waiting for the day I'm told your not fertile. I have no reason to actually think I'm not fertile my AF for the most part very regular only occasionally late by one to two days. But with each month that goes by the more I fear the worst, the more I feel like I'm some how broken. It's getting to the point where I'm feeling like each moth I'm setting myself up for disappointment. I want to start a family with my husband more then anything, to give him the joy of being a father because it's not just a onesided desire he wants this just as badly as I do. And even though he doesn't say it I can feel his let down each month right along side my own. Why is this so damn hard when it seems like the one thing I should be able to do easily.