Pregnancy scare

I get scared easily so please understand that I am posting this for info. on the chance that I have of being pregnant not for advice or criticism just statistics on my chances please.

On friday, October 14th (the second to last day of my fertile window) my SO and I had sexual intercourse. We used a condom and it did not break, he didn't ejaculate but I am not on birth control and am deathly afraid of the chances of pregnancy precum can bring.

It is now tuesday, October 25, approximately 11 days since my SO and I had sexual intercourse. I've recently started having sore and tender breasts, slight abdominal cramping, fatigue, nausea, I get hot easily, and I have been urinating more frequently. My period is due in 2 days but I don't know if some of these are just signs my period is coming or not. I haven't tested yet but I plan to if my period doesn't come on time.

Please comment below if you know the chances that I could be pregnant please and thank you.