please read, I'm anxious

My boyfriend and I have been ttc for a year and a half with no luck. If I even breathe wrong, he thinks I'm pregnant lol. I've had an odd month this month and we are hoping it's a good sign, and while we were at Walmart he picked up a couple tests. My period isn't due for a couple more days but he made me pee on them. I knew it was way too early, even if I am so I didn't pay any attention to them, and there wasn't a positive right away so he got sad lol. We went to the living room for a little bit and He went to the restroom and saw one of them had a double line. Granted, it was probably just a false positive that showed up after the 2 minutes were up (but I'm not 100% sure) so now I'm anxious to see. I took 2 more and the other ones didn't do that. I had 1 left that he peed on (don't judge) just to see if they all did it. As I'm writing this, I checked the other ones and there's also a slight +. But, also out of the time frame. 
The original double line that he saw 
I don't see anything here, just an indent 
and the one he peed on lol 
Also, I'm sorry the lighting in my bathroom sucks lol