Rough Day

I had a really rough day today. My miscarriage was at 15 weeks back in July. Most days I'm fine but every once in a while things hit me differently. 
I'm a nurse and work in the same hospital where I found out my baby no longer had a heartbeat and where I delivered my sweet baby boy. The OB who gave me the news at my ultrasound was pregnant. I didn't focus on it at the time but after I'd wonder about how difficult it was for her too giving me that news, wondering what I was thinking of her and her pregnancy. 
Well today, I needed some supplies from L&D. I've been over there since my delivery and have been fine. Today however, when I was on the unit, that same OB doc was. Ring discharged with her beautiful baby girl. Just brought back all of the emotions for me. I feel so jealous which makes me feel bad for having those feelings. Of course I'm happy for her, but I still feel that way. 
Part of me thinks things will get better if I can get pregnant again, but know nothing will replace Zakariya. 
Wishing peace and love to all of you.