Am I Right To Be Angry W/ My Mother ?

So I'll try to condense this as much as possible, but basically I have been mostly avoiding/ignoring my mother for much of the year, I would text her back but didn't come around... But now I am completely avoiding her and I haven't been answering her phone calls/texts (I live 3 hours away so she can't just show up either) for several days now. This is all because I hate who she has become, she's become this crazy, radicalized bible thumper (like the type who protest gay events and tell them they're going to burn in hell) and that's just not my scene whatsoever, I'm a pretty liberal accepting person and I want nothing to do with it. And my step father is a raging racist (he actually went to prison for nearly killing a black man 20 years ago) and he's incredibly rude and sexist. He says that because I like to see my midwife rather than a male doctor that when I do get pregnant the baby or myself will die because "midwives are not capable of providing proper care so they should be stripped of their licenses and shot in a firing squad for all the harm they do." 🙄🙄🙄 So all of this has just been really making me think about how much I can't stand her and I've really started to reflect on my childhood and how mentally/emotionally abusive she was. And I just don't know that I can forgive her. She's the reason I hardly have a relationship with my father, she made up lies about him and made me think I hated him. My life is just so much happier and simpler when she's not in it, she's so toxic. But she says she doesn't think she's done anything wrong and that I "need to grow up and speak up about what my problem is". Am I right to be angry with her and avoid her? I mean she's hardly involved in my life anyway and hasn't been since I was 16 so it's not like I'll die without her. She's just the type to act like we aren't allowed to have a problem with her. And when we do she says "well I don't fucking care, I made 4 others just like you" so it's like she thinks our opinions are irrelevant and we're not our own individual persons.