Am I an idiot or what?


FINALLY, 29 days after my second d&c in a month's time, looks as if... and only looks as if, my period is coming. I've been having this suspicious brown discharge and plenty of pain and discomfort for two days now. I've been praying for af to show up ASAP so I can start tracking and ttc, I've made like a trillion google searches titled: "how long did it take for your period to... " yeah you know the rest if you've ever had a mc. Man, I was sure that my period back was all I wanted and now I find myself feeling scared of welcoming AF, ovulation tracking, TWWs, more unexpected AFs, tears, anger, maybe and only maybe, the happiness of conceiving again, followed by the anxiety of counting days and weeks shadowed by the fear of having miscarriage again.

I am scared, going through a mc has made me lose faith in my body's capability to do its job. I'm scared.

My friend tells me that at least I have two beautiful daughters. And I thank the Lord.

I don't blame her, she does not understand, and actually I like it that way because I don't wish this to anybody.

Anyone ever felt like this when having the first period after a mc?