I have to supplement with formula 😕

So I'm pretty bummed out. We went to the pediatrician today to check my 3 week olds weight. He hadn't gained his birth weight back at his 2 week appt and the dr wanted to see him this week to see if he gained it back. He gained a few ounces but is still a few ounces shy of his birth weight and about a pound behind where he should be at this point. I have done everything I can to increase my supply...pumped extra and supplemented with my own milk, i drink mothers milk tea every day, eat oatmeal and healthy fats...but somehow my milk still isn't enough. He also has been spitting up a lot which may be contributing to him losing calories. They gave us a prescription for drops to give him for reflux to see if that helps him keep it down more. The doctor wants us to give him formula a couple times a day (at night) to see if that helps. I really don't want this to be a forever thing, im hoping once he gains his birth weight back that my milk will be more abundant by then. Going to still bf during the  day and pump at night when my husband gives him his formula. I still can't help but feel like I am failing at bfing. 😕 has anyone else been in this situation?