Need advice on a major life decision

Prepare guys, this is a long one. Back last year, my partner and I made a giant move 1200 miles away from our home town out to Denver, to work and be successful in the marijuana industry, something we're passionate about. We've known each other for years, have always been close, it seemed like a good thing for us. It was awesome for the first month, but then life threw some tough obstacles on us. We dealt with an unexpected pregnancy and then a miscarriage, dealt with a roommate trying to get my SO to leave me for her, dealt with our shared vehicle breaking down and being out of commission for months, dealt with monetary issues, dealt with the dog we adopted together running away and getting hit by a car, dealt with a couple sudden medical was a lot put on us to handle at one time, all of this in a span of 6 months. We became very distant, closed off. We stopped having sex and started arguing all the time, fought and had little arguments 24/7, and became very unhappy due to all the stress we were, a couple months ago, I made the decision to move back home. It was impulsive, I didn't even tell him, I just packed while he was at work one day and left (which I realize now is very fucked UP, but it was justified in my head at the time). It's been a couple months now, and we've remained in contact sporadically, and I've decided that I wanna move back out there. I miss him, and we've both had space from each other (which is all I think we needed in the first place, just space to process and chill out). He's on board, I'm on board, his parents are on board, but...none of my family is. They all think I'm doomed to fail once again, and it's depressing me because my flight to move back out is in less than a month, and my parents are completely unsupportive. But, I know in my heart this will make me happy. Is it really to a point that I'll have to let my parents go, just to move forward with my own success? I miss Colorado, and my SO, and the life we were building. We were just victims of circumstance and have both moved on from it and are ready to try again. I want to be happy about moving, but just have a looming sense of dread and depression because everyone around me is being so negative about it