Saying goodbye 😭😭


I feel a bit of a hypocrite posting in here as on Friday I give birth to my little girl I am only 15 weeks pregnant and it's my choice that's she's being born .

At 12 weeks I found out I had a 1:49 chance of baby having downs syndrome . So I did the CVS test to be 100% sure . And she does have it . I know people keep saying its a blessing and I've had 4 previous miscarriages and have a 9 year old daughter too . The thing is downs syndrome can mean a lot of other problems such as heart problems sight hearing . Can mean a lot of support meaning me giving up work could we afford that ? I am older mum I'm 36 what about if I die it means my daughter will end up being the carer . We decided not too carry on . I am absolutely heartbroken and can't stop crying I feel guilt for not even giving her a chance when I wanted this baby do much .....I'm so sorry if o offend anyone I know you are all grieving but I do feel the same 😭😭😭💔💔