need help!!!

I post here once in awhile and I never get anyone to comment. So hopfully someone or some people do this time. I got a question. For anyone who dropped out of high school and for people who have learning disabilities... did you get your GED!!! Was it hard? I tried doing a math practice test online to study and stopped after like 8 questions because I had no clue. Im 22. Would of graduated on '13!! I don't know what to do. Im not smart and I just want to get it done and take the damn tests. I need to go to college to get my career started. Im pissed off that I'm not smart. My family is full of nurses, hair stylists, police officer.  I want to be a hair stylist and I know what I'm doing that's the only thing I'm good at. Even nursing and photography. I love art! I can't draw worth shit but I love being artsy. I wanna know how you ladies do it. How hard was getting your GED? Do they have help out there that can help someone that's on the slower side trying to learn stuff? I seriously need help and encouragement. Please.