My baby


My baby is due the 11th of November 2016 but nobody cares, nobody notices. I have no bump, I have no symptoms...noone asks...are they kicking! my baby... is in heaven... as my due date come closer and closer I think so much about what would have been.... planning, prepping, what could have been.. With only 15 days to go I sit here.... The world oblivious to how I feel.... i go to work every day I see 2 of my co-workers, my sister and my best friend all come close to meeting their newborns... i smile and ask all the polite questions but honestly....i dont really care....they complain about heartburn or how big their bumps are, their legs hurt, their tired....i smile and agree... I'm jealous.....i wish that was me...

i lost my baby at 13 weeks... my heart is broke... i would love if someone only remembered....that should be me....with sore legs and big bumps and heartburn....but alll I have is quite tears x x