Why me?

So the past couple of weeks I hate going to work on Sunday because I don't want to see this coworker of mine... It started when he was trying to pull off my magnetic name time which is right over my boob's. Then I went to the break room to tuck in my shirt and he walks but and it like are you stripping and I'm like no and he's like take it off take it off and I'm like no shut up then when I go back up to the front he gets ready to leave and since my belt is to big it has a lot left over that I don't use so he grabs me by the belt and start pulling me and I'm saying stop but he thinks its a joke... Then the next sunday I went to work I'm telling him to put himself to use because we're getting busy and he's like can I use you and he says it twice and I get really uncomfortable because who knows what he will try to do next.....( that's person 1 and now this next story is person 2) So today at work like a couple of months ago I was kinda out of it and I was asking my coworker to bring me a head set but instead I accidentally said can you give me head I don't know how but in did.... So now couple months later he was telling this guy that I asked him to give me head and now the guy was always coming close to me saying suck and humping things of what he would do to me then he made a sucking motion then he would try to put himself on me but I would push him away. But he kept trying and he was calling me baby and he's like I'm do anything for you princess and then I would ask him to get something g for me and he would be like only if you suck me and all day he was saying suck me suck me and he would call me mami. I told him to stop multiple time but he wouldn't and when I would walk away he's like I know she wants me and I'm like no I don't. Then he's like can you kiss me and I'm like no my lip stick comes off and he's like its OK I'll buy you some Kylie Jenner and I'm like no I'm still not gonna kiss you. But what do I do like Sunday they both will be there and I don't know what's gonna happen it's getting to the point where I don't want to go to work.