Labor/castor oil


I have birth to my baby girl on october 27th at 10:30 p.m. 38 weeks exactly.

Let me tell you what went on....

I had a dr appt that morning at 9 a.m dr said i was still 2 cm and 80 % effaced from 2 weeks before. . .

I was talking to a mom friend of mine about how bad my back was aching for weeks.

She said to try castor oil..

I took 2 tbsp of castor oil and honestly...i thought it wouldnt do anything. 2 hours passed and still nothing. I laid down for a nap , woke up to pee and my water broke!!!

It was just a trickle though.. About 1 hour later i was at the hospital and 6 cm dilated.

Finally after getting an epidural, they checked me i was about an 8 cm.. Only 20 mins later, i began to feel pressure and the need to PUSHHHHH!.

They tell me "keep your legs closed!!" because the dr wasnt there yet to deliver my baby girl. 10 mins later after pushing, i had my baby girl. Madison marie

I was only in full blown labor for 3.5 hours!!!!!!!!! So . just saying castor oil worked for me, and she is very healthy and happy,