I wanted to go all natural but I had my options open


I wanted to go all natural but I had my options open. I didn’t have a “birth plan” I just wanted to see how things played out. I was induced and my contractions were painful and close together. My whole body was shaking. I went as long as I could and then I got the epidural. It was smooth sailing after that. It made my experience enjoyable and I didn’t feel a thing when pushing or when I had contraction. I felt some pressure, they say it was time to push. Pushes for about 15 minutes snd she was out!!! Everything was so quick and intense but I did it! And I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

Baby’s Name: Sadie

Date of Birth: October, 29  2O16 @ 3:39 AM

Original Due Date: October 26th

Weeks Pregnant: 40 weeks, 3 days

Baby’s Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Baby’s Height: 18 inches