pretty sure I've lost this one 💔

I had my first BFP on Tuesday so my doctor had estimated me about 5 weeks although that is a guess as my first appointment wasn't until November 9th. I had taken about 10 tests in the span of 4 days and all were positive. Anyways, I woke up this morning with period like cramps and light brown spotting. Around 10 am it had turned into what seemed like a normal period. I took two HPT even though I knew I shouldn't and both were negative 😔. I'm not really in any pain and the bleeding isn't horrible. It's just like a normal period. Almost makes me wish I never saw those two pink lines. I'm calling my doctor in the morning but I just thought I'd be passing more clots and bleeding a ton? Or does that not happen this early on? This is just so very weird. Does anyone have any experience with this?Â