In-Laws and Babies

So my husband and I just found out were pregnant with our first. The timing wasn't ideal by any stretch of the word but we're thankful nonetheless. Today we told my in-laws. Before I go on, I'm going to ask you ladies to read this critically and tell me if I'm insane for feeling and reacting the way I did. Thanks in advance. Anyway so we told them and they took it better than we thought they would. But then they started going on about money. I know they're concerned but they started saying we need to move in with them because they "just can't see any way we can afford our house with a baby". They were coming up with all these nauseating ideas (or is it just morning sickness? I don't know) about how we could make it work living with them. Okay, umm over my dead body. My MIL is my boss and she's extremely controlling and can be totally crazy. So the thought of moving in with her makes me more sick than I already am. I felt totally overwhelmed and bombarded by them. We haven't even had time to fully process that we're having a baby! And she was asking all these questions that I didn't have any answers to. It was awful. Anyway then tonight I was talking to my husband about it and he was saying that I'm just being fussy and they're just concerned and they didn't say we needed to move in with them. By the way those were their exact words! And he was like I don't know maybe it's not such a terrible idea. This is coming from the man who couldn't stand living at home before we got married. He fought with his parents almost daily. Do I really want to bring a baby into that? No. I don't. Ugh I'm so frustrated by it. I hate it when other people try to butt into my marriage😒
UPDATE: So I talked to my husband. I think maybe we were misunderstanding each other and I was probably overreacting a little bit. Hormones and what not. I'm an emotional wreck. He assured me he has zero intention of moving in with his parents unless we're about to be on the street or something. We have other options and if all else fails we can move onto my parents property. They have a little space in their barn that could easily (and cheaply) be turned into an apartment. My parents are far easier to deal with, totally not in our business unless we ask for help or advice and they respect that we are our own family. Either way, were planning to stay in our house unless for some reason we feel we shouldn't. I'll be due for a raise pretty quick which obviously will help a ton. Thank you girls for your support and reinforcement of my feelings😂 you all are the best!! Much love from an emotional momma-to-be❤️❤️❤️❤️